Tok­eniza­tion 2021 — Uni­fy­ing the Ecosys­tem



Tok­eniza­tion 2021 — Uni­fy­ing the Ecosys­tem

ADGM — Archax — LABS — Tan­gany — Toke­ny

Thurs­day, March 18, 2021, at 3 pm CET (Berlin), 10 pm HKT (Hong Kong), 6 pm GST (Abu Dhabi), 2 pm GMT (Lon­don)

Zoom Link — WE ARE LIVE



Dura­tion around 60 min


Chris­t­ian Platzer

As a senior HR pro­fes­sion­al, man­ag­ing direc­tor, and as a con­sul­tant, Chris­t­ian has broad expe­ri­ence from star­tups to a glob­al enter­prise (Groupon). He man­aged com­plex inter­na­tion­al teams in high growth envi­ron­ment, oper­at­ing in 30+ coun­tries. He lived and worked in Berlin, Zurich, Syd­ney, and Vien­na. Chris­t­ian is pas­sion­ate about star­tups, tal­ent man­age­ment, peo­ple oper­a­tions, and organ­i­sa­tion­al design.

Richard Teng

Richard Teng is the Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer (CEO) of the Finan­cial Ser­vices Reg­u­la­to­ry Author­i­ty (FSRA), Abu Dhabi Glob­al Mar­ket (ADGM) — an award-win­ning finan­cial cen­tre. Join­ing ADGM in March 2015, Richard spear­head­ed the estab­lish­ment of the new inter­na­tion­al finan­cial cen­tre and leads FSRA in reg­u­lat­ing the bank­ing, insur­ance and cap­i­tal mar­ket sec­tors with inte­grat­ed pru­den­tial and con­duct super­vi­so­ry respon­si­bil­i­ties. To sup­port the growth of ADGM as an IFC, Richard also leads ecosys­tem ini­tia­tives and the strate­gic devel­op­ment of finan­cial ser­vices offer­ings.
Richard holds a Mas­ters (Dis­tinc­tion) in Applied Finance from the Uni­ver­si­ty of West­ern Syd­ney, Aus­tralia, and grad­u­at­ed with First Class Hon­ours in Accoun­tan­cy from the Nanyang Tech­no­log­i­cal Uni­ver­si­ty in Sin­ga­pore.

Gra­ham Rod­ford

Gra­ham is a qual­i­fied accoun­tant, with over 18 years’ expe­ri­ence in finan­cial ser­vices. Pri­or to Archax, Gra­ham was COO, CCO and Part­ner of Omni Part­ners, a $1.4billion hedge fund based in Lon­don, where he was respon­si­ble for all oper­a­tional activ­i­ties and com­pli­ance.
Before Omni, Gra­ham held sev­er­al senior oper­a­tional, finance and com­pli­ance roles in the asset man­age­ment and bank­ing space, includ­ing HSBC, Cal­iburn Cap­i­tal, Leo Fund Man­agers and Coutts Bank.
Gra­ham has worked in both dig­i­tal asset and tra­di­tion­al mar­kets and has been respon­si­ble for funds across a wide range of invest­ment strate­gies – includ­ing macro, event dri­ven, long short, sys­tem­at­ic and pri­vate equi­ty. He has also run oper­a­tions for an $8billion alter­na­tive invest­ments busi­ness and has worked through­out his career in var­i­ous reg­u­lat­ed envi­ron­ments, includ­ing the FCA, SEC and NFA/ CFTC. Gra­ham has a BA (Hons) Account­ing from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bournemouth.

Mahesh Har­ilela

Mahesh is from the Har­ilela fam­i­ly which is one of the most promi­nent fam­i­lies in Hong Kong. His fam­i­ly owns 19 hotels prop­er­ties around the world includ­ing a few in Hong Kong though the Har­ilela Group. Mahesh has an entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it.
He has been involved in cre­at­ing devel­op­ing com­pa­nies in Trad­ing, Brand­De­vel­op­ment, Renew­able Ener­gy Infra­struc­ture, Agri­cul­ture, and Edu­ca­tion. He cur­rent­ly sits as Chair­man on the Board­of Direc­tors & is CEO of M. Har­ilela Glob­al Invest­ments Ltd., and Asia CBD Pte. Ltd., Board of Direc­tor of Dis­rup­tive Ther­mo­dy­nam­ics Pte Ltd., Com­mer­cial Liai­son for Hon­orary Vice Con­sul for The Repub­lic of Mal­dives in Hong Kong and last­ly, Chair­man for King George V School’s Strate­gic Devel­op­ment Com­mit­tee.
Over the course of the last thir­ty years, Mahesh cre­at­ed, from start-ups for brand­ed watch­es to brand­ed elec­tron­ics, thus ven­tur­ing into sup­ply and chain man­age­ment for Sojitz Cor­po­ra­tion in Japan. Over the last five years, he has focused on Sports devel­op­ment, Edu­ca­tion, Envi­ron­men­tal, and Social, sus­tain­able invest­ments that enabled him to trav­el around Asia, North Amer­i­ca and Europe to under­stand and devel­op sus­tain­able busi­ness activ­i­ties.

Mar­tin Kre­it­mair

Mar­tin Kre­it­mair is man­ag­ing direc­tor of Tan­gany GmbH, a Ger­man-based cus­to­di­an for dig­i­tal assets. Tan­gany is a white-label solu­tion for cor­po­rates and insti­tu­tions to safe keep cryp­tocur­ren­cies and tok­enized secu­ri­ties. The prod­uct is reg­u­lat­ed with Ger­man finan­cial author­i­ty BaFin and is used by more than 25 part­ners. At Tan­gany, Mar­tin is respon­si­ble for busi­ness devel­op­ment and oper­a­tions where he and the team strive for the mis­sion to enable com­pa­nies to enter the world of dig­i­tal assets.

Luc Falempin

Luc Falempin is CEO and Founder of Toke­ny Solu­tions and has been immersed in enter­prise grade tech­nol­o­gy ever since he found­ed his first ven­ture in 2012, an advanced soft­ware trans­form­ing the lead­ing e‑commerce web­sites into mul­ti-sell­er mar­ket­places he lat­er suc­cess­ful­ly exit­ed in 2017. That same year, Luc decid­ed to set up Toke­ny Solu­tions, a tech­nol­o­gy enabler with the vision of digi­tis­ing tra­di­tion­al finance to bring more acces­si­bil­i­ty, fair­ness, and trans­paren­cy to cap­i­tal mar­kets.


Please join for a pan­el led by Chris­t­ian Platzer.

This ses­sion will cov­er:

In a tour d’hori­zon, with a CEO pan­el of top-rank­ing inter­na­tion­al firms, we dis­cuss the core play­ers of the Tok­eniza­tion ecosys­tem in 2021: from plat­forms and pri­ma­ry mar­kets, to exchanges and cus­tody solu­tions, use cas­es and the out­look towards the inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion with­in the dig­i­tal assets space.

Be sure to reg­is­ter. All reg­is­trants will receive the record­ing fol­low­ing the online FIRESIDE chat.